Monday, October 20, 2014

Amazing Spiderman 2- Why It Didn’t Work


The Preliminary Rant

Oh. My. God. Gwen Stacy just made me want to die. First of all, there was absolutely no character development in the first movie, so what do they do? That’s right, Gwen has to die in this movie (honestly I was surprised by the amount of people who didn’t know that, come on, comic book fans), so let’s make the characters more emotional to make the death sadder. AGH. Peter keeps randomly seeing her dad, and the whole thing was stupid.

Dumb Parts

Let’s get into the useless scenes. The beginning sequence, with his parents- STUPID. None of that info is EVER relevant throughout the entire movie. EVER. Then, there’s the scene with Peter in the secret hideout thing, and that whole scene WAS STUPID. Honestly, no one had any investment in Peter’s parents, so there’s no care for any of it. I was bored.

Oh. The hideout. There’s no plot relevance, or the worst part- IT. DOESN’T. MATTER. He spends his life trying to find out what happened with his parents, and at the end, guess what? SONY DECIDED IT DIDN’T MATTER. Oh, and did I mention that Sony made this movie? Ever wonder why Marvel’s doing better than you? BECAUSE THEY KNOW HOW TO WRITE A SCRIPT.

Then after he finds that hideout, he just GOES TO FREAKING GWEN STACY, AND DECIDES TO GO WITH HER TO EUROPE. He be like “oh you’re going to Europe? Well I’m free, they got tall buildings, in London, I can swing…” YOU JUST FOUND OUT EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO FIND OUT AND IT DOESN’T MATTER? Basically, it made him stop crying.

Let’s not forget about Rhino. Don’t know who I’m talking about? Remember that guy at the end strategically placed to attack at the moment when Parker wanted to redeem himself? Basically, I saw that in the trailers and I was like OH MY WORD I LOVE RHINO. But. Every scene with Rhino in this whole movie can be seen through clips on youtube and trailers. No joke. Disappointment. Don’t put someone in there if they aren’t gonna do anything.

It seemed like this whole movie was used to set up the next movie. That’s why Iron Man 2 failed, it was basically a preview to the Avengers (which was probably the best movie in Marvel history, by the way). This movie, was disappointing, to say the very least.

The Villain

Now. Electro. HE’S A TOTAL MORON. I get it, he wasn’t noticed, blah blah blah. But really? He was alright in that moment after Spiderman talked to him in Times Square, but NO. Some idiot fires one sniper shot at him, and BOOM. He’s a supervillian now. I’ve seen better reasons, man. Come on. That’s really lazy.

Then there’s Harry Osborn, the Green Goblin. He had about….NO background for being a villain, except for the fact that Spidey didn’t give him his blood. And let’s not forget that Parker and Osborn haven’t seen each other in so many years (since they were 8) and now they’re telling each other secrets? Like how Harry’s gonna die of terminal diseases? Uh. What.

Gwen Stacy’s Death

Now. This was so frustrating that it has its own section. First of all, I had so many problems with this. In the comic book (the source material that they COMPLETELY disregarded, by the way), this is how Gwen’s death goes down.

She’s waiting for Peter in his apartment, Green Goblin arrives, she gets knocked unconscious, and pulled into the battle on the bridge between Spiderman and Green Goblin. She falls off, and Spiderman stretches his web shooter, and when he grabs her, the force and crack of the shooter is what kills her. Not falling, because it’s over water. Peter continues to gloat while holding her saying (literally), “Look at me, I’ve saved the girl, killed the villain, come on. No superhero can do that. Gwen. Gwen, what happened? Come on, I saved you. You can’t be-….dead?” The cops come, blame Peter for her death.

Let’s look at the movie.

She dies because she fell off the clock tower. Okay. But we don’t even know how she dies! I mean, Spidey catches her before she hits the ground, so what killed her? If you didn’t read the book, you would be majorly confused. I guess everyone just assumed that it was the force of the ground. BUT NO. He catches her first. It’s the force of his web shooters. Okay, fast forward. What are the consequences? Who found the body? We just get to her funeral. And did you notice that the clock was at 1:21 when she died? It’s because she died in issue 121, by the way. Obviously, they don’t blame Peter, because her family isn’t mad at him. So….What happened?

Now for the purpose. Gwen Stacy died, and it added to the story. Her last memory was waiting for Peter, and he realizes that just because he’s Spiderman, his friends aren’t invincible. They can get hurt, and he learns the most prominent lesson of the Spiderman movies, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The cops blame him, her family’s mad, etc. So there are consequences. A lot.

The movie. The cops don’t blame him, no one blames him. You might say, “Oh but he blames HIMSELF.” You see, Gwen Stacy died because she chose to come to the battle. Don’t recall that? Maybe that’s because PETER DROWNS HIMSELF WITH SELF PITY. Parker actively tries to ensure that Gwen is safe. He warns her not to come, and even ties her to the car with his web shooter. But NOOOO Gwen comes anyway. So really, it wasn’t Spidey’s fault. It was her own. So now, you may think, what came out of her death?

All it did was made Peter Parker sad. That’s all it accomplished.

Basically, they dumbed down the movie with flashy lights and dub step to appeal to a younger audience. Sigh. What about the people who read those books a long time ago, and want to see it adapted into a live movie? NOOO. Screw you guys, says Sony. We want 11 year old boys.

Final Words

The movie was a boring disappointment. The things I mentioned here were all I could fit right now. I have so much to say about this movie, and how terrible it was, but I don’t think I could write it all out in one blog post. And frankly, if I did, it would be so long and caps lock would be on overdrive.

If they’re gonna use the source material, they should either use it all (incorporate how and WHY Gwen died) or none. They can’t just put Gwen dying, and make it useless and pointless.

Final Verdict: A disappointment, unless you’re a stupid, 11 year old boy.